Some people may say that old dogs can't learn new tricks, but we're not going to talk about the old dogs today, but what younger people refer to as "old people" when you hit the age of 50 and older, lol. Growing healthy hair is NOT determined by your age, but by how you care for it. In the words of some 50 year olds and above..."I'm in my 50's and my hair hasn't grown in over 10 years, so I just gave up and started wearing wigs". Believe it or not, as long as you're alive, your hair can still grow, so don't give up unless you're just ready to die! Now, I can't help you if a dermatologist or hair restoration specialist have determined or confirmed that your follicles are completely dead. In that case, may the best wig win!
My goal is to give the Oldies but Goodies some tips and tricks to get that hair back growing healthy:
Purchase the best all natural haircare/hair growth products: None other than "Beautifull Gro". website:
Keep your hair moisturized daily to prevent hair breakage/Split ends with Beautifull Gro moisturizing hair growth creme.
Stay away from Hair care products containing chemicals. It damages your hair, and overtime you will find yourself with lesser hair strands, and wondering where the hell all of your hair disappeared to. When I first experienced hair loss, I use to check under my pillow and on my bed sheets to see if my hair strands got lost under there, but I believe a hair fairy took them while I was asleep because honey... I never found them. Use Beautifull Gro stimulating hair growth oil to help stimulate your hair follicles to rapidly grow hair strands; reduce split ends, improve blood circulation to the scalp, to strengthen and thicken hair, and to treat/heal the scalp with certain conditions such as psorasis, eczema, itchy scalp, and dandruff.
Stay away from hair products that contain Sulfate: Sulfate products are harmful to your hair strands. It strips most the oils that are needed in order to provide moisture for your hair-leaving it extremely dry and brittle. Sulfates may also cause irritation to the scalp. Purchase Beautifull Gro Sulfate-free Shampoo and Conditioner. Baby! These products are the best made EVER! The Shampoo is like a Superhero to the Scalp. It is the best hair cleansing product on the market (Yes, I said it!) , and Ohhh does it feel soooooo refreshing to the scalp with that extra tingle from the peppermint oil. The Raw Apple Cider Vinegar provides that PH balance to the hair in order for your hair to stay healthy, and the Argan Oil, Jojoba oil, Almond oil and Avocado oil make it do what it do for an overall hair growth experience. And it smells AMAZING! The Conditioner is the Robin to this Batman-giving your hair that extra moisture with theVitamin E oil, Vitamin B5, Unrefined Shea butter, Raw Mango butter, and topped off with that intoxicating smell of Mango oil that makes you say, Hit me baby one more time!
Perform hot oil treatments at least every 4-6 weeks with coconut oil or olive oil or mix them both together, place in microwave or place the oil in your head and wrap a hot towel around your head for about 20-30 minutes, then rinse out.
Give yourself a deep condition with Beautifull Gro Sulfate free Conditioner by leaving the conditioner on your hair for at least 1-2 hours with a plastic cap covering or pruchase a heating cap from Amazon (It's the best).
Give your hair an aloe vera, raw honey and olive oil. Purchase an Aloe Vera plant, cut open, and scrap some aloe vera into a bowl. Mix all ingedients into a small bowl, and place over entire head (massage in before putting a plastic cap over your head for about 30-45 minutes, then rinse out.
So of course, you may not be a dog, but you did learn some new tricks! You're welcome, Love, Beautifull Gro